The small but powerful Schiit Fulla 2 DAC and Headphone Amplifier is a budget-friendly and simple way to supercharge the audio from your laptop. It will convert the digital audio signal from your computer into a clean, detailed analog output that will improve the sound coming from your full-size audiophile headphones or a pair of powered speakers.
With its low output impedance, it will power all but the most power-hungry planar magnetic headphones, and the DAC section is impressive, meaning you have to spend 2-3 times the price to hear a substantial improvement in the result.
The Fulla 2 also has a surprisingly vast amount of outputs for its size, which makes it an excellent component for any work or home desktop audio setup. It also has two USB inputs (one for power and audio input, one for just power) so it can be powered directly from your computer or a wall outlet.
The Deal:
Right now Amazon has a $20 coupon on the product page, making the Schiit Fulla 2, considered by many the best headphone amp under $100 an even better deal. It would make a good first DAC/Headphone Amp or a Cool Christmas Gift! Check it out quick, because the coupon can be pulled at any time.
Here’s a full list of features:
Fulla 2 is ready for your headphones, powered monitors, analog sources, and more.
Total Flexibility For Your Desktop Fulla 2 is a complete DAC/Amp in a single tiny case. Plug Fulla 2 into virtually any USB port, connect your headphones and/or powered monitors, and you’re set for great music. But that’s only the start.
- Use it as an amp. Connect your phone (or any other analog source) to the convenient front jack.
- Use it as a preamp. Connect to powered monitors or speaker amps using the variable outputs on the back.
- Use it as a DAC. Connect to an external preamp or processor with the fixed 2V line outs on the back, or use the variable outputs for convenient volume control as well.
- Use it with phones, tablets, or computers with low-powered USB ports. We’ve included a second USB port for power input. Plug in your phone charger (or any other 5V DC source with micro-USB output) and Fulla 2 tells your source it doesn’t need any power.
Top-Shelf Components Like DACs costing more than 10x this price, Fulla 2 uses the latest AKM AK4490 D/A converter. Coupled with an Alps RK09 potentiometer, high-quality filter and amp stages from Texas Instruments, as well as precision thin-film resistors and film capacitors, Fulla 2 delivers performance far beyond its modest price.
Plenty of Headphone Power Fulla 2 delivers a super punch, up to 550mW into 16 ohms, together with a vanishingly low noise floor and low output impedance. In other words, it’s a great match for virtually any headphone.
Designed and Assembled in USA By “designed and assembled in USA” this is what we mean: the vast majority of the total production cost of Fulla 2—chassis, boards, transformers, assembly, etc—goes to US companies manufacturing in the US.
2-Year Warranty Fulla 2 is covered by a limited warranty that covers parts and labor for two years.
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I’m an audio writer who started as a young audio salesman/consumer electronics professional back in the late 90s. That’s where I discovered the magic of 2-Channel sound. My thirst for great sound has led me on a delightful music quest that continues today.
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