Watch These Awesome Jazz Concerts with 3D Audio!


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Want to check out a Jazz concert in Switzerland? Well thanks to Moods Jazzclub in Switzerland, and Sennheiser AMBEO 3D Audio technology, you can watch a video while listening with any set of headphones and feel like you have a front row seat.

The videos are part of Moods Digital Concert Club, a platform with over 50 recordings of recent concerts at Moods. All of them have great sound quality, but the videos recorded with AMBEO 3D audio are truly mindblowing. The sound for the videos is recorded with a binaural dummy head microphone, and then mixed with the AMBEO 3D technology, for a realistic “you are there” effect.



From the website: is the world’s first streaming platform to offer concerts a variety of concerts in Sennheiser AMBEO 3D audio. AMBEO is a revolutionary spatial audio technology that captures every intimate detail of a live performance in three dimensions.

AMBEO recordings transport you to the best front-row seat at Moods, giving your concert experience more realism, detail, and immersion than has ever been possible with normal stereo recording. Music enthusiasts all over the world can now enjoy the sound of Moods’s high-calibre concerts as if they were there in the club — and all one needs to listen is a pair of headphones.

The videos sound great with any set of headphones, but if you listen with a pair of headphones that already have a generous soundstage, like the Sennheiser HD series headphones or something similar, it is really awesome! Check out their collection of AMBEO 3D concerts here, and learn more about Sennheiser AMBEO 3D here.


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